

Anthony Ryan

Mon, June 23, 2008
Euromoney's Global Borrowers Investors Forum

We need complementary efforts to mitigate risks to the financial system in the event that services, including Tri-Party Repo, provided by one of the two major clearing banks for government securities were suddenly disrupted or terminated. A related challenge is the vulnerability of the repo markets, including Tri-Party Repo, as a continuous funding source. As we have witnessed, liquidity in the repo markets can evaporate suddenly if counterparties become unwilling to provide even short-term secured financing because of uncertainty. Efforts are needed to ensure that both borrowers and lenders strengthen their credit, operational and liquidity risk management practices.

Tue, October 28, 2008
SIFMA Annual Meeting

It is important to remember that as part of the Treasury's actions regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and in consultation with FHFA, the GSEs entered into a Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement with Treasury that effectively guarantees all debt issued by the GSEs, both existing and to be issued. The U.S. Government stands behind these enterprises, their debt and the mortgage backed securities they guarantee. Their mission is critical to the housing markets in the United States and no one will deny the importance of these institutions in assisting our housing markets in this downturn.